Organic Peanut Candy – Best alternative to junk food


Junk food has a very dark side. It has several harmful effects on our physical and mental health. Junk food has increased several health issues like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
Not only your physical health but scientists and researchers have also shown that junk food has a serious impact on your brain too.

Let’s see the 5 harmful effects of Junk food

1. It can lead you to a mental breakdown

Several studies have shown that consuming food that is high in sugar and fat can impact the chemical activity of the brain. Consuming too much junk food can lessen the nutrient content of your body and leads you to depression.

2. It makes you eat impatiently and increase obesity

This is a known fact that junk food promotes obesity. It contains a high amount of sugar and fats which makes you eat uncontrollably and increases the risk of obesity.

3. It can create Dementia

Junk food can damage your brain and make it weaker. It creates a sudden inflammation in the brain that is responsible for memory and recognition.

4. Damages Growth and Development

It creates a loss of essential nutrients and vitamins in your body which is required for proper growth and development.

5. Damages Appetite and Worsen Digestion

Eating a lot of junk food can damage your appetite and also makes your digestive system weaker.

The more you consume junk food, the less you have a healthy life.
So, the real question now is- What is the best alternative to Junk Food?
Organic Peanut Candy can be the best alternative to junk food.
Peanut Candy or chikki is a traditional Indian snack that is made of peanuts and jaggery. This organic candy is packed with immense health benefits.
Peanuts are excellent sources of plant-based protein, fibre, and different vitamins and minerals.
They are also called groundnuts, earthnuts, and goobers.
There are several products made out of raw peanuts like peanut oil, flour, and protein. Various foods can be made out of these products like roasted peanuts, peanut butter, cakes, desserts, and snacks.

How peanut candy can benefits your health

1. Heart-friendly

Peanuts are a good source of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats which is good for heart health.

2. Aids Weight loss

Peanuts are loaded with fibre, fat, and protein that help you to feel fuller for a longer time and reduce your appetite too. It increases the metabolism of your body which helps you to reduce weight.

3. Helps fight with Depression and Anxiety

The presence of Amino acid known as tryptophan in peanuts helps in releasing serotonin, which controls mood regulation and keeps your mind relaxed and calm.

4. Good for Skin and hair

The presence of Vitamin C and E help in delaying the sign of Ageing. They are a good source of B-vitamins which convert into biotin to induce hair growth.

5. Best Snacks for Diabetes

Manganese, a mineral that is present in peanuts makes it a great snack choice for diabetes. Manganese helps metabolize fat and carbohydrate, calcium absorption and blood sugar regulation.


Knowing the fact that junk food is extremely harmful, avoid it completely and switch to delicious and healthy, Organic Peanut Candy. Ensure candy does not contain Liquid Glucose, check the ingredient label on the package.

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