Common myths people have about organic foods

The organic culture is in vogue these days, and because of the pandemic the trend has got even viral, people are now becoming more health conscious and thus consuming healthy products, they are getting more inclined towards the organic foods.
However, the term ‘organic’ is so vast that it is now getting perplexed, people possess several doubts, questions and myths related to organic foods and organic products, the health benefits associated with them and concerns related to the pricing of these products.
In this article we will be discussing 6 most common myths people have related to organic products so that you can make a better-informed decision regarding your health and your food consumption behaviour.

1. Organic foods are not healthy

Various studies have shown that organic foods are healthier than the conventional foods, the reason being absence of fertilisers and pesticides. The foods are rich with high nutrient values and have higher level of antioxidants when compared to non-organic foods.

2. Organic foods are too costly!

Yes, many organic foods are priced higher than the conventional food products but that’s because of the supreme quality and extra health benefits associated with them. However, there are an ample number of organic products which are priced almost equal or in fact lower than the non-organic products. Additionally, non-organic products may come with a hidden cost such as health cost that you might have to incur because of the presence of pesticides and fertilisers.

3. Organic foods doesn’t taste good

Well this depends on personal preferences and we really can’t have a theoretical formula to describe how a food taste like, is it good or bad. However, there are numerous taste test experiments been conducted where an average person can’t differentiate organic and conventional foods. Additionally, the presence of high level of antioxidants in the organic foods improves food’s organoleptic qualities—taste, aroma and even the sensation in your mouth as you’re eating it.

4. Organic foods are not even Eco-Friendly

In general, organic foods are more Eco-friendly, the absence of fertilisers and pesticides makes the crop grow naturally which results in better soil fertility, less water and air pollution. Additionally, studies have shown that farms with organic crops have shown an increase in the variety of plants and species, results in better bio-diversity in the environment.

5. Organic foods are same as natural foods

These two terms are often used interchangeably but there is a huge difference between both of them. Organic foods are the one which are grown without any use of artificial pesticides, fertilisers or herbicides. Whereas, natural food refers to food items that are not altered chemically or synthesised in any form. These are derived from plants and animals. Thus a natural food item is not necessarily organic and vice versa.

6. Organic foods are just a marketing hype

Many customers feel the term ‘organic foods’ is just a marketing hype that is being created to dig money out of their pockets. well that’s not the case, the health benefits associated with organic foods are genuine and this completely justifies the cost, moreover it also encourages you towards a healthier lifestyle.

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